Interactive MultiModX workshop: enabling seamless passenger journeys through air-rail integration - MultiModX project

Interactive MultiModX workshop: enabling seamless passenger journeys through air-rail integration

In the framework of SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, the MultiModX project (Integrated Passenger-Centric Planning of Multimodal Transport Networks) is organising a workshop on the theme of integrated and coordinated air-rail networks for seamless passenger journeys. The workshop takes place on 20 February, between 09:00 and 16:00, in Paris (16 Rue Jean Rey, 75015), at the headquarters of the International Union of Railways.

To ensure effective engagement, please note that this event has a limited capacity of 45 participants.

This event is jointly organised by Bauhaus Luftfahrt (Project Coordinator), Airport Regions Council (Project Dissemination Manager) and International Union of Railways (Project Communication Manager) and is facilitated by the overall project consortium.

MultiModX started in July 2023, and is supported by SESAR3 Joint Undertaking and its members under grant agreement no. 101114815, running until December 2025 with a combined grant amount of €1,750,380. The goal of the project is to deliver a set of innovative multimodal solutions and decision support tools for the coordinated planning and management of multimodal transport networks. MultiModX also develops a multimodal modelling and evaluation framework, including a set of key performance areas and indicators, that enables the comprehensive characterisation of the impact of multimodal transport systems and multimodal solutions for a range of stakeholders.

During the event, we will dive deeper into the MultiModX solutions and multimodal transport scenarios with specific presentations. The format of the workshop will allow for dynamic exchanges, as attendees will be invited to provide feedback. Dialogue will be enabled by a World Café process based on four conversation rounds:

  • Round 1: air-rail use cases and future policy options

MultiModX identifies and characterises current and future scenarios for long-distance passenger multimodal transport in Europe, including passenger behaviour, existing and future policies and regulations, and the emergence of future multimodal concepts for specific European regional archetypes. This round will provide more relevant examples of use cases from Spain and Germany as well as details about policy.

  • Round 2: a framework to assess the effectiveness of deepened air-rail cooperation (MultiModX Solution 1)

MultiModX develops a multimodal modelling and evaluation framework, to be integrated in a Performance Assessment Solution that supports the design, development and assessment of strategic and tactical multimodal solutions, with focus on scheduling and disruption management. This round will open discussion on MultiModX Solution 1.

  • Round 3: how to better align future air and rail schedules (MultiModX Solution 2)

This round will focus on the MultiModX Solution 2 – Schedule Design Solution – for the integrated planning of air and rail networks that optimises the waiting times at transfer nodes in order to offer more and better options for multimodal passengers.

  • Round 4: how to handle disruptions better for passengers travelling on both transport modes (MultiModX Solution 3)

The subject of this round will be the MultiModX Solution 3 – Disruption Management Solution – based on coordinated air and rail tactical schedule adjustments and passenger reallocation.

Thank you very much and we hope you can join us on this occasion.


Agenda Workshop MultimodX
